Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Stimulate Your Hormones With The Big Three

!±8± Stimulate Your Hormones With The Big Three

Do you dream of adding slabs of shredded beef to your frame? Do you want your explosive power to skyrocket? Are you looking to chisel the perfect physique of granite like muscle and sinewy tendons reminiscent of steel cable? To facilitate this transformation healthy and hearty levels of Test and GH are a huge advantage. There is a very good chance you are familiar with the terms Test and GH. Just in case you aren't, these are short for Testosterone and Growth Hormone. These two hormones are vital when it comes to packing on lean muscle.

Don't be confused! I am NOT advocating steroid use! Often when people talk of Test and GH they are referring to Steroids; instead, you should know you can increase both of these levels NATURALLY! Now, I'm not here to discuss the legality, ethics or morality of using banned substances. Rather, I'm here to give you the knowledge to get your results your way! If your way is Natural... read on. If not... read on anyway and see how to take your body to a new level yet!

As we have established, you want to add lean muscle. You also know that elevated levels of Test and GH can help you do that. How can you raise these levels other than taking steroids? You can try TRAINING HARD! That's right! Simply by training hard with great intensity during your weight training you can increase both levels! You may be saying, "But I already train hard." That may be true... but do you trash large amounts of muscle or do you just do bicep curls all day? I'm just messing with you! I'm sure you work hard; but, I have a feeling after you read further you will find the drive to push harder.

Why push harder? When you push harder increasing volume and intensity you will notice the greatest increase in GH! What's more, when you train large muscle groups you boost your testosterone levels like crazy as well! I won't bore you with study after study. Sufficed to say, multiple studies show that RESISTANCE TRAINING with challenging weights (5-10 reps per set) with relatively short rest periods (approx 1 min) boost these all important levels! This means hitting failure at the end of sets. That is how you know you are working with intensity. If you are cruising through the 5-10 reps you are missing the boat and won't get the boost I'm speaking of. MAXIMUM effort in the last 2-3 sets of each exercise is necessary.

Though I won't sit here and site 74 research articles, allow me just a moment to tell you about two cases in particular. One is me... After 19 years of training I have become very in tune with my body. When I have a particularly challenging leg work-out or intense upper body day, I can feel the increase in my TEST levels. I feel as though I can run through a brick wall and I'm natural. Have you had that feeling after a particularly intense lift? Now I'm not drawing blood to check my levels; but, I can tell when my body is anabolic and chances are you can too! When I have a few weeks of these types of workouts my body shows the results! The other case is a previous client of mine. This gentleman was in his early 40's and diagnosed with Low Testosterone. He added NOTHING to his supplement regimen. We added HEAVY and INTENSE multi-joint weight training. Guess what... he went back to the Doctor and his Test Level was back up into the Normal Zone! The only change was added INTENSE WEIGHT TRAINING and BAM his Test Levels Shot Up big time. If this style of training did that for him, what do you think that means doing serious multi-joint movement will do for you if you already have a Normal or High Test and GH Level? Your Hormone Levels will climb massively just like the weight you'll be able to push!

At this point you may be wondering what these "multi-joint movements" are... if you have forgotten the title of this article. Though there are multi-joint movements that will work, there are three in particular that are juggernauts when it comes to increasing your GH and Test Levels Naturally:
Bench Press Squat Deadlift

Why are these THREE LIFTS SO EFFECTIVE? It's simple really! These three lifts hit essentially the entire body and at the same time you can move serious weight in each exercise. The result is that you stimulate large amounts of muscle with massive stress from heavy weight. This induces elevated production your body's natural HORMONES to deal with the stresses!

Let's take a quick look at the BIG THREE and see what they work and how they can change your body:

1. The Bench Press slams the Pectoral Slabs and is great for adding sheer mass in the chest. Also hit during the bench press are the front of the Shoulders and Triceps. This compound movement is top tier for adding size to the arms since triceps make up the larger portion of the upper arm.

2. The Squat is arguably the best lift for the quads, hams and glutes. It hammers the legs and core as well or better than any other exercise out there.

3. The Dead-lift is well known for adding mass to the back. It annihilates the entire backside of the body from hams to the rhomboids, lats and traps.

When you put the three of these exercises together in a well thought out training program the entire body sees serious action. I personally work these and/or very similar movement twice every week. You can benefit greatly from this same frequency or even once per week for each lift if your body needs more recovery time. Either way your goal is simple. You want to train often enough with the right exercises and intensity to keep the body in an elevated hormonal state while not over training.

At this point, I trust you know what you need to do. The question now is what do you need to do it? Unlike a lot of the fancy schmancy B.S. out there... This is SIMPLE... This is OLD SCHOOL... THIS is EFFECTIVE and I LOVE IT! The list of necessary equipment is short and sweet: a barbell with weights and a Half-Rack with Work Bench is the PERFECT Set-Up for the BIG THREE! There are tons of options out there but many are cheap and flimsy and others are way overpriced. You need to make sure that you are dealing with a sturdy and functional piece of equipment which is also priced right. It should be capable of loading a great amount of weight. It has a racking capacity of up to 1000 pounds and a chin-up bar capacity of up to 400 pounds. Regardless if you are dealing with tons of weight for squats, this half-rack can assure you the safety you need. It also caters to multiple height adjustments on full or half deadlifts.

You know what kind of equipment to use to get ripped... the question is how do you go about maximizing your progress? That comes from performing the Big THREE exercises in a total body workout plan. Well there are many workout plan options; but, for simplicity I will give an example built around the BIG THREE and no accessories beyond the workbench. You will of course need a barbell and weights... if you can't figure that out then there is another issue we have to deal with. Okey, no more joking... it's time to get serious with your workout!


This is a sample three day split. You will notice exercise order is changed periodically to balance body development. Performing exactly the same lift every time will result in stagnation after an extended period of time. This is not to say that every workout has to be completely different. Simple changes in ORDER, WEIGHT, REPS, REST etc. will be sufficient to keep you on the right track.




Bench Press 4 x 10-15
Incline Bench Press 4 x 10-15
Shoulder Press 4 x 10-15
Push-Ups 2 sets of MAX REPS
Barbell Skull Crushers 4 x 10-15


Squats 4 x 10-15
Lunges 4 x 10-15
Good Mornings 4 x 10-15
Stiff Leg Deadlift 4 x 10-15
Calf Raise 5 x 20-25


Deadlift 4 x 10-15
Pull-Ups 3x MAX REPS
Bent Over Barbell Row 4 x 10-15
Upright Row 4 x 10-15
Shrugs 4 x 10-15
Barbell Curls 4 x 10-15



Clapping Push-ups 4 x 8-10
Incline Bench Press 5 x 8-10
Shoulder Press 5 x 8-10
Bench Press 5 x 8-10
Barbell Skull Crushers 5 x 8-10
Push-Ups 3 sets of MAX REPS


Squat Jumps 4 x 8-10
Squats 5 x 8-10
Stiff Leg Deadlift 5 x 8-10
Calf Raise 6 x 15-20
Lunges 5 x 8-10
Good Mornings 5 x 8-10


Pull-Ups 3x MAX REPS
Deadlift 5 x 8-10
Upright Row 5 x 8-10
Shrugs 5 x 8-10
Bent Over Barbell Row 5 x 8-10
Barbell Curls 5 x 8-10

Weeks 9-12


Bench Press 6 x 6-8
Shoulder Press 6 x 6-8
Incline Bench Press 6 x 6-8
Barbell Skull Crushers 6 x 6-8
Push-Ups 4 sets of MAX REPS


Squats 6 x 6-8
Good Mornings 6 x 6-8
Lunges 6 x 6-8
Stiff Leg Deadlift 6 x 6-8
Calf Raise 6 x 10-15


Deadlift 6 x 6-8
Bent Over Barbell Row 6 x 6-8
Upright Row 6 x 6-8
Pull-Ups 3x MAX REPS
Shrugs 6 x 6-8
Barbell Curls 6 x 6-8

This is a 12 week program with adjustments in reps and exercise order. The Big THREE are the cornerstone exercises of this mass blast! You will experience a huge increase in overall strength and mass if you take in proper nutrition while on the MASS BLAST Routine. Your strength will progressively build as you work your way through the program. As the reps per set get lower each month you will be using progressively more weight with each session. I recommend recording results for weight and and reps each workout in a training journal. This will give you something to strive to beat the next week. The goal is to beat your numbers the week before and ultimately go back to week 1 after the 12 week program and start the cycle over again with heavier weight and more intensity than you started with just 3 short months prior.

Stimulate Your Hormones With The Big Three

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Powerlifter Burn-Out Set 315lbs for 28 reps

Warning: Do NOT try this at home!! You must master technique, have proper equipment worn and spotters present always. As you will see, safety bars on squat racks don't always work, an unexperienced weightlifter would have been seriously hurt in this lift. WORDS OF ADVICE: Lift and eat healthy for the right reasons with no anabolic steroids, for God (or for you nonbelievers for yourself). Remember we are all created equal. Strength and power comes from within, if you weren't blessed with being born with it, then don't think anabolic steroids will fulfill your need. Roidheads are a dime a dozen it's takes a real man with real strength that can be proud and say I did it myself. I did it myself because I won't settle for good, I want to be the best. THE NUMBER ONE QUESTION IS, HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT!

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Home Gym Buying Guide

!±8± Home Gym Buying Guide

Selecting the proper gym equipment is critical as it is a big expenditure. If you make the right selection you will get years of satisfying training with great results, all in the convenience and comfort of your own home. If you get it wrong you will waste valuable training time and money.

Before buying a home gym you will need to consider the following points:

1) Functionality - will your home gym have the right exercises that get the best results?
2) Quality - will it go the distance with years of solid training?
3) Space - work out your footprint for your gym
4) Budget

Functionality for Home Gym Equipment.

In my opinion the most important aspect of buying a gym is that if you train hard on it, plus eat well and look after yourself, you will get results. If your gym does not allow you to do the major compound exercises like squats, bench press, lat pull downs, rows etc then you are not only wasting your money you are also wasting the time you have spent training. Isolation exercises are great for shaping existing muscle. But if you don't have muscle there to begin with you need to concentrate on doing compound exercises to build your base strength and muscle mass.

You now have to work out whether you want to go the free weight or machine home gym path. When I refer to free weights I mean training the old fashioned way with a power rack, barbells and dumbbells. In regards to home gyms, you will have to choose between a traditional cable style gym or a leverage multi gym.

Before you decide on whether to go free weight or a machine, you will need to think about what you are trying to get out of your weight training. If you just want to be fit and healthy and are not too fussed with dramatically improving your muscle mass and strength a home gym will be the best option. If on the other hand you want build strength or bulk up then a power rack will be ideal. If you want to build strength and add muscle mass but can't stand free weight movements then a leverage home gym is the best bet.

In recent years there has been a tidal wave of cheap cable home gyms hitting the market out of China. While certain exercises like lat pulldowns or seated rows are great in cable format most of the exercises, and in some cases all the exercises on these budget gym are just rubbish. Many times these gyms are just replicated from photographs by factories where the people building them don't have any interest in weight training. It may look like a home gym, but the exercises feel weird and can sometimes been down right dangerous. Forget about cheap gyms, they are not worth the risk!

There are very good quality cable home gyms on the market but they are nearly always restricted to the weight stack that is on the gym. Some gyms only have 200lb or 90kg stacks. Many gyms have a mechanical advantage - the arrangement of the pulleys mean that you can lift 90kgs of weight with only 60kg of effort. That might impress your buddies when you show them how strong you are but sooner or later you will get on some proper gym equipment and look like a prize goose!

Good compound exercises are also absent from cable home gyms - even the higher end ones. In particular a flat bench press or squat. Upright presses, pec decs, leg extensions and leg curls are good but are no substitute for bench press and squats. Cable style home gyms are perfect for the person looking to save time with their weight training. You just pop the pin into the weight stack and away you go. Yeah it may save time but are you getting the results?

Home Gym Quality

Gym equipment needs to be rugged. If you are a devoted weight trainer you will be training up to 5 times a week and lifting heavy weight. Your gym equipment needs to reflect your commitment. A cheap and flimsy home gym will simply not last. More importantly it has that cheap feel which doesn't beg you to train hard.

I have seen it so many times; people try and cut corners when buying gym equipment and the following happens:

1) The passion for training fades. Training on equipment with a cheap feel does not get you coming back for more. Good quality equipment will hammer you and have you coming back for more punishment.

2)They neglect key body parts like legs because they do not have satisfactory exercises to work those muscle groups effectively.

3)The gym falls to pieces and is used as a piece of contemporary art in the spare room.

4)The cheap gym is sold and a quality gym is purchased.

Although quality gym equipment seems expensive it is actually a good investment. Buy the right gym and it will give you a lifetime of training plus great results. Plus you will save a heap on gym fees.

A top quality leverage gym allow you to do many exercises safely like cable home gyms. The advantage that good quality leverage gyms have over cable gyms is that they are plate loaded and have decent weight capacities so they will accommodate your strength gains. Instead of growing out of the gym you will grow into it. They are not limited by a weight stack.


Unless you live in a mansion you are going to be limited by space. There are two factors that you need to consider when choosing your gym equipment.

Firstly you have to work out how much space you are willing to devote to your home gym. Once again you will have to determine how dedicated you are to your training. Remember that you will be training regularly so it might worth sacrificing your collection of crap in your garage/spare room that has not been touched in years.

Parking the car on the street may also be be considered. But in reality for most the amount of space will be determined by the missus. Once you have determined how much space you will have for your home gym you will need to work out what gym equipment you are going to purchase. The biggest mistake people make here is that they try and cram too much in and the weight training workout soon becomes an obstacle course. Sometimes less is more when fitting out your home gym. Take into consideration that you need to focus on your compound movements to get results.


I mentioned previously the investment aspect of buying a home gym. I hate using terms like that because everyone seems to use it these days. But as I have said many times before if you train with weights consistently you will get benefits. Training at home is much more convenient for most people so it will help with your consistency.

It is important to work out how much you will be spending on gym fees in the future to put your home gym expenditure into perspective.

As above you will most probably need approval from the wife or girlfriend - good luck.


Hopefully this article has given you some ideas on your home gym. Take the time to have a good think about the direction you want to head with your weight training. If you plan your home gym right you will have years of great training ahead!

Home Gym Buying Guide

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Friday, November 18, 2011

Lee Priest - Dips on the Powertec Power Rack

Well you can't ask for much more - Lee Priest showing you how to do dips the way Lou Ferrigno taught him. It may look a bit wierd but you have to give it a try. I mean Lou and Lee both know a bit about bodybuilding!

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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Killer Alpha Male Chest Workout

!±8± Killer Alpha Male Chest Workout

Everyone wants to develop a lean muscular physique. The quickest way to get there and stay there is via resistance training. My favorite style of resistance training is old school weight training accompanied by the sound of clanging plates with heavy loads on a barbell. Do you know who trained/trains like that? Arnold, Zane, Reeves, Coleman, and Cutler are a few of the guys with that training mentality. What do you think of their physical development? These men have mastered the Alpha Male Physique.

Though a well balanced physique is essential, nothing screams Alpha Male Physique like a HUGE MUSCULAR CHEST. Let's look at Arnold... arguably the greatest chest of all time. How did he get there? He trained with intensity. He trained with power. He trained with a goal in mind. He trained with real deal heavy weight Home Gym. The result was a chest that made history. As far as I'm concerned, if it's good enough for Arnold it's good enough for all of us!

There are many maximum lift milestones along the way of building your ultimate alpha chest. Oftentimes 135 lbs, 225 lbs, 315 lbs, 405 lbs and even heavier weights are popular goals that we aspire to conquer at one point or another during our training careers. Others take more of a "pound for pound" approach to measure their success. Some people have the goal of benching their bodyweight, 1.5 times their body weight, or even twice their body weight. Most of the time when people talk about this, they are talking about their Flat Barbell Bench Press One Rep Max. This is a great exercise and a good way to establish quantitative goals; but, don't forget the ultimate goal. The ultimate goal is a great chest... not just moving a certain load on the bar (unless you are a power lifter). The great chest you are going to create is a result of more than just the development that comes just from Flat Bench.

So how do you develop your most impressive chest?

You need to pack on lean mass and slash excess fat. Like the greats, you must move serious weight and focus on training all areas of the chest. Often people do just flat bench and forget about the variations to get well rounded results. To put on slabs of pectoral beef you must hit flat, incline and decline chest movements. Time and time again you will see chests that look like ski slopes. There are two reasons for this. The first reason is simply excess adipose tissue. Extra fat on the chest it tends to collect at the lower portion of the pec area. This creates the "slope effect." To lose this one has to lose total body fat. The second contributor to the "slope effect" chest is that the mid and lower portion of the pecs are somewhat developed; however, the upper portion is severely underdeveloped. This is a result of doing just flat bench and neglecting incline movements.

You combat this and build your alpha chest by following a well designed chest training program that puts an appropriate emphasis on the upper chest, mid chest, and lower chest. One way to ensure this is to start one out of two or two out of three chest workouts with the emphasis on the upper portion of the chest. To place more emphasis on any particular muscle group simply start the workout with exercises that are specific to that area. Because you are fresh at the beginning of the workout the results for that area will often be greatest. I suppose by now you are looking for a killer Alpha Male Chest Workout? Well here you go!

Sample Workout

Month One

Incline Barbell Bench Press: 3x 15-20 reps
Decline Barbell Bench Press: 3×15-20 reps
Flat Barbell Bench Press: 3×15-20 reps
Feet on Bench Push-Ups: 2 sets of MAX reps (one minute rest between sets)

Month Two

Flat Barbell Bench Press: 4×10-15 reps
Incline Barbell Bench Press: 4×10-15 reps
Decline Barbell Bench Press: 4×10-15 reps
Hands on Bench Push-Ups: 3 sets of MAX reps (one minute rest between sets)

Month Three

Incline Barbell Bench Press: 5×5-10 reps
Flat Barbell Bench Press: 5×5-10 reps
Decline Barbell Bench Press: 5×5-10 reps
Regular Pushups: 4 sets of MAX reps (one minute rest between sets)

Now you know what to do. How do you go about getting it done? You need the proper equipment. There are many options out there; but, don't be fooled by inferior products. Make sure to invest in a bench that can handle the weight you can do today and more importantly the weight you will be able to do tomorrow. Also chose a piece of equipment that offers versatility while maintaining the integrity of each position. Often companies cut corners and the functionality is sacrificed for increased versatility. When it comes to a piece of equipment that is both functional in all positions and versatile, which leads me to the most fit equipment for these kind of workouts.

More versatility exists because of the dual sided racking station posts. You can use them for holding the barbell elevated to shoulder height for squats. Or you can rack a loaded barbell at hip height for rows, or deadlifts from the opposite side of the bench. No matter how you look at it there are numerous options and no excuses when using this sturdy and versatile bench.

No more excuses! It's time to make it happen and create your Alpha Chest.

Killer Alpha Male Chest Workout

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